GLM Manifesto 2020



Free the Cannabis plant completely.


Protect the fundamental rights of every citizen with respect to exploration and use of cannabis for their personal needs.

  • People have the right to grow it.

  • Farmers have the right to cultivate it.

  • Scientists have the right to study it.

  • Patients have the right to heal from it.

  • Seekers have the right to elevate from it.


Allow and advance scientific research and studies on Cannabis and its compounds which can better human health, psychology & consciousness. Promote only natural cannabis medications. Prohibit all synthetic cannabis medicines and its variants.


Empower innovation of the much needed environmentally friendly bio-products that can be produced using Cannabis-Hemp.


Create nation-wide & district-wise setup of the proposed Indian Hemp Industries that can create better and safer products for the entire society.


Cultivate Cannabis-Hemp across the nation by creating a nation-wide community of farmers growing this super crop every year and supplying to the district industrial units of the Indian Hemp Industries.


Prioritise the 100% eco-friendly & bio-product industries to replace all toxic products, methodologies and industries that is destroying the ecology of our nation.


Eradicate poverty.
Eradicate unemployment.
Eradicate malnutrition.
Eradicate poor national health.
Eradicate curable diseases.
Eradicate synthetic products.
Eradicate toxic industries.

All of the above are possible through the Cannabis plant if implemented as per the
GLM Policy and Regulatory Guidelines developed for Union Of India.


Create the Indian Hemp Industries as a national mission directly in collaboration with the Central government, State governments and Neo Social Entrepreneurs and create the first socialistic economic experiment to transform the nation in all parts at once to reap the benefits of a trillion dollar crop which can impact the lives of billions of people by creating millions of jobs to create thousands of bio-products while also eradicating hundreds of curable diseases using just one plant.


Achieve all of the above before Nov 18th 2030.


The reason why GLM exists is because of what India currently is and what it could be.

— Viki Vaurora