Cannabis 101

Understand the basics of the plant, its varieties, strains and its effects, different parts of the plant, uses and applications, and its impact on ecology and environment.


There are 2 ways to categorise the cannabis plant


1. Industrial Cannabis-Hemp

The commercialisation of Cannabis-Hemp in the 20th century and mainly in 21st century has created an impression that HEMP means Cannabis. It is wrong and also a global mistake. Between 15th century to 20th century, the fibrous variety of cannabis was called as the Indian Hemp. That name has almost disappeared and the world now just calls it as HEMP. Any plant grown for fibres was known as Hemp. There are lots of different varieties of Hemp. Like Sunn-hemp, Jute-hemp etc. This long growing, lengthy fibrous variety belonging to the Cannabis family should be called as

Another great mistake is that Cannabis is referred to as hemp when it contains less than 0.5% TetraHydroCannabinol [THC]. This was simply a regulatory standard adopted by America to allow as little THC as possible into its seeds. The hidden agenda was to monopolise the seed production and commercialisation in a highly regulated manner so that only a few corporations can sell the seeds to an entire nation which can produce only less than 0.5% or 0.3% THC in its flowers.

However, its strong fibres and generous seed production make it one of the most advanced industrial crop in the world. Hemp is refined into products such as paper, textiles, plastics, construction materials and bio-fuels of the highest order.


2. Medicinal Cannabis

The Medicinal version of the plant generally termed as Cannabis (infamously known as Marijuana or Gaanja), often has a lot of THC in it. When this compound/molecule mixes with the cannabinoid receptors which are found in our body, it delivers an unusual experience which our minds tend to 'like and crave' or 'fear and loathe'. This variety of the plant which is used for its medicinal effects is referred to as Bhaang, Gaanja, Marijuana etc.

Its mind-altering effects are fuelling a popular human lifestyle across the world and people love to burn the dried flowers from the plant and inhale the smokes it produces which contains the vaporised medicinal compounds.

This can create various kinds of experiences which can result in being stress-free/relaxed or having a burst of high energy and sometimes even a euphoric overload for the mind. It all depends on the strain of the plant, the dosage taken and the tolerance of that user for that experience.

And 2 strains of Medicinal Cannabis.

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1. Indica

Indica grows short and bushy. It delivers a relaxing & calm effect on the body when consumed.

This variety of plant has a highly relaxing and sleepy effect when its compounds mix with our blood. Its strong sedative effect is highly favoured amongst those suffering from cancer, pains, insomnia, ADHD, bi-polar disorder, severe autism, epilepsy and numerous other medical conditions that require the patient to be calm and relaxed.

It has the ability to heal even the most intense of physical pains.

The sedative characteristic of this strain of cannabis tends to make the user slightly lazier as their muscles are completely relaxed. And at higher doses, any sort of physical work can feel like a herculean task. However, regular usage of the strain builds tolerance towards the effects.

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2. Sativa

Sativa grows lean and tall. When consumed, one experiences an energetic and a euphoric rush and clarity in the mind.

This strain of cannabis has an energetic effect on the mind and body, making the user highly alert of themselves and their surroundings. Its uplifting properties can kill fatigue and also have the ability to heal mental disorders like depression.

When one consumes a Sativa strain, it increases focus, promotes creativity and boosts the imagination.

It also stimulates hunger, making it useful for patients diagnosed with Anorexia and some forms of cancer (usually due to the side effects of toxic cancer treatments).

The Effects of Cannabis


1. Effects on the mind.

Our brain is a chemical supercomputer. Any sort of chemical imbalance will lead to disorientation of the entire mind-body function.

All the mental disorders are related to emotions and all the emotions are related to certain chemicals that are produced in our brain. Depression, anger, fear, worry, stress and happiness are the outcomes of the chemical production in our brain. Stress is the root cause of most of our diseases. When we take our stress away, our body can work at maximum efficiency.

People who smoke cannabis regularly are generally very healthy on the mind as the cannabinoids neutralise and balance the emotions in our brain. It brings peace, joy and a sense of conscious living.


2. Effects on the body.

Using cannabis in any form will ensure that all the medicinal compounds in the plant will help our bodies to heal better and faster.

The cannabinoids from the cannabis plant can rejuvenate all the vital parts of the body. All our diseases related to stress or age can come under control. Any sort of toxic overload in the body or related damages can be healed faster as cannabinoids push our body to function at its peak level.

Our bodies have these cannabinoid receptors which, when activated, makes it function better and bring it into a balanced state. And the only source for the cannabinoids to activate these receptors are found in the cannabis plant.

The oils extracted from the cannabis flowers are so powerful at healing that many people have already cured themselves from Cancer, HIV, Parkinson's, Epilepsy and almost every other disease known to man.


Parts of the plant and their uses.

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1. Seeds

Hemp seeds contain nutritious polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) 80%. The highest amount found in any plant in the plant kingdom.

No other plant source provides complete protein in such an easily digestible form. The nut of the seed can be used in breads, salads, granola/cereals, hemp milk/dairy products and protein powder.

Apart from the Nutritional values, hemp seeds can be pressed to produce oils which can substitute fuel, lubricants, inks, varnishes, paints and cosmetics.

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2. Leaves

The cannabis leaves are rich in medicinal compounds. It is one of the most important dietary supplement as it has the powers to prolong our good health.

One of the oldest methods of using this medicinal plant was to consume its raw leaves. As found in Ayurveda, leaves were churned and boiled with milk for oral consumption.

This traditional practice in India is the famous drink called Bhaang, which is consumed nationwide during Holi, Shiv Ratri, Raam Navami and other auspicious times in order to bring peace, joy and a sense of sharp clarity.

While Bhaang is consumed occasionally, the most common use is preparing hash for regular intake, where the medicinal compounds are collected by rubbing it on one’s hands and the collected medicine is smoked later to relieve oneself from stress and pain.

The leaves can also be used to make safe and healthy cosmetic products and medicinal creams for skin and wounds.

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3. Flowers

Hemp flowers produce all the resins and essential compounds that make this plant one of the most medicinal herbs known to man.

These compounds can activate the endocannabinoid receptors in the human body, that are responsible for maintaining a balanced state between the body and mind.

Archaeological surveys show that Cannabis is one of the first plants that humans cultivated. And researchers have discovered in ancient burial tombs that the habits of smoking this plant date back to over 4500BC.

Today, millions of humans have smoked the plant and have rejuvenated their minds and bodies. Many of them believe that the cannabis flowers are also the spiritual tonic of life, as its effects of concentration and relaxation swirls oneself into the depths of the mind and conscious living.

These flowers are also known as Gaanja or Bhaang in India. India has lost its cultural touch with the plant because now Gaanja has caught the infamous reputation of being a bad narcotic drug. But, the world is finally realising the true powers of these flowers and there is hope.

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4. Stalks

The hurd of the stalk can be used to make animal beddings, mulch, fibre-boards, insulation and HempCrete (Organic Bio-Concrete which is made without the toxic cement)

The fibres of the stalk provide raw material to produce hemp twine, ropes, netting, canvas, bio-composites, shoes, bags etc.

The stalk has the potential to substitute fuel, paper, textiles, plastic, construction materials and furniture.

Industrial Applications



Hemp hurd is the soft inner core of the hemp stem. It is highly absorbent and rich in cellulose; it can offer thermal and acoustic insulation. It can be broken down into tiny pieces which can be converted into Fibreboards. Modern-day luxuries such as beds, cupboards, sofas, wooden chairs, tables and ply-boards can be sourced from hemp hurds.

Hemp Fibreboards are stronger and more durable and by adopting them, we can reduce the cutting down of trees for making furniture.

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We are cutting down trees and forests across the world to make paper from the pulp of the wood. It takes a tree up to 20 years to mature. And just a few mins to be cut down.

Hemp Hurds can be used to make paper instead of cutting down millions of trees every year. It doesn't require any chemical processing and can be recycled up to 7 times, which is two times more than the paper made from wood pulp.

And most importantly, it takes just one acre of hemp fields to produce enough paper which is equivalent to 4 acres of forests, in just 3 months as compared to 240 months (20 years) for the trees to mature.

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Hemp Crete.

HempCrete is a stronger, lighter and more environmentally friendly version of concrete - the most fundamental thing in our modern life. Now traditional concrete requires a lot of heat in the manufacturing process, and to supply concrete for a global demand, a lot of coal is burnt, which adds huge amounts of carbon emissions back into the atmosphere resulting in global warming.

HempCrete is the future of sustainable living. It requires no heat to process or produce, and it’s cheaper, lasts longer and is easier on the environment.



Hemp fibres are one of the strongest fibre known to man. If it wasn’t for these hemp ropes, no ship would have ever sailed and the world as we know it wouldn’t have been here today!

These fibres have been used throughout history to make twines, clothes and ropes. It’s stronger than cotton, and it requires no chemicals to grow or process it. Hemp textiles are durable; they last longer and breathe better than their cotton counterparts.

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Bio Fuel.

Fuel has become one of the most fundamental need of the society today. Everybody needs fuel to run their transport units and homes. But these fuels that we are digging up are oil deposits of forests that existed millions of years ago. These forests that existed before breathed in all the carbon-dioxide and upon their death, became our carbon rich oil fields which the global energy is feeding upon.

In essence, what we are doing now is that we are using these crude oils and are re-introducing millions of tonnes of carbon back into the atmosphere, all to meet our needs. Our carbon deposits have created a heat trap within our atmosphere and hence the global warming!

Hemp Fuel can help. When we grow hemp to produce our fuels, the plant will generate lots of oxygen while sucking up all the carbon dioxide from our air and we will be releasing that equal amount of carbon when we burn them. The next crop is going to suck in all the carbon-dioxide that we burnt before and release oxygen once again and this cycle continues forever. So the more hemp we grow, the cleaner our air will get.

Hemp produces the highest biomass per acre as compared to any other crop. Each acre of hemp produces up to 10 tonnes of biomass every 4 months and the stalks of hemp can be converted into 4000 litres of Hemp Ethanol. And the seeds can also be pressed to produce up to 500 litres of bio-diesel from every acre of land in a span of just 4 months.

And when electric vehicles become a standard, Hemp Bio-degradable batteries can replace the current toxic lithium-ion batteries. Basically, bio-fuels are the fastest alternative to our current fuel needs. And hemp is the most efficient crop to produce bio-fuel for the entire world.

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Bio Plastics.

All our current plastic needs are sourced from the waste products of petroleum production.

The problem with petroleum plastics is that it is non-biodegradable, hard to re-use and mainly disposed into the landfills.

These petrochemical plastics require a lot of chemical processing during production. This poisons the water and soil in the area of production & when plastic is disposed into the earth; it disintegrates into micro-particles which get mixed into our underground water - meaning more pollution.

Moreover, petroleum plastics are highly carcinogenic and can cause cancer and many other diseases.

Plastics can also be made from plant cellulose and Hemp is the richest cellulose crop in the entire plant kingdom. We can produce hemp plastic which is easier to recycle and also safely disposable back into the earth. It doesn't require any chemical processing and it is the safest alternative to the current plastic madness.

Hemp plastics are not just safe they are also super strong.

Did you know that back in the 1940s, Henry Ford produced a prototype car made of hemp cellulose, and that car was pretty indestructible? Oh, and he used Hemp fuel to run it!

Ecological Impact.

Our massive needs of consumption and our ignorance of where our products come from and what happens if we continue to use them has collectively put our ecology into a very dangerous situation. By growing Hemp and using Hemp Products globally, we can create a positive impact on our environment, our health and the future of all life on earth.

  • We can stop cutting down trees and forests for our luxury.

  • We can use better fuels and energy sources, which doesn’t add to the massive carbon levels that are present today.

  • We can build better homes which wouldn’t consume too much energy to produce and create a lot of toxic waste.

  • We can wear better clothes which wouldn’t require lots of chemicals to grow and even more chemicals to process the finished product.

  • Using Hemp Graphene, we can create better batteries that function a lot better and are less toxic to the ecology.

  • Hemp plastics can replace thousands of applications immediately.

  • We can create better cosmetics that will bypass all animal testing and are also extremely healthy and medicinal to the body.

  • We can create medicines which will help ease the sufferings of billions of people around the world.

“I don’t know if hemp can save the world, but I’ll tell you this, it’s the only thing that can.”

— Jack Herer