21. India, let’s save our forests
Forests keep us and our planet alive. But no, wait! We want those dead trees in our homes and offices. Hemp is the only plant that can save our forests which results in our survival. But it is prohibited to even grow! Is this worth caring about?
If you deliberately destroy or damage public / private man-made property, you are termed a vandal and the act is called VANDALISM.
The funny thing is: If you destroy the trees and forests created by nature, you are termed a visionary and the act is called PROGRESS.
Our ecosystem, once destroyed might take ages to revive itself, if it all it dies!
Approximately 30% of all the land on Earth is covered by forests. Each one of us uses forest products every single day. Newspapers, tissues, cheque books, bus tickets, it's an endless list.
In the past 30 years, over 50% of the earth's original forest cover has been destroyed for human products
More than 2 billion people depend on forests for their basic necessities like food, water and shelter. Almost 60 million indigenous people live in forests all over the world.
Forests Maintain humidity,
Keep greenhouse gases in check,
Prevent soil erosion,
Prevent floods &
Help increase fertility of the soil.
According to FAO's Global Forest Resources Assessment 2015, since 1990, the world has lost approximately 129 million hectares of forest, which is an area almost as big as South Africa.
Today with the growing climate changes and the global warming phenomenon, which has been melting the polar ice caps, the need to preserve our forests and heal our planet is of paramount importance.
Why did deforestation happen?
Intensive Agro-industrial farming, which includes producing Soya, Palm oil, corn
Production of paper; it is estimated that approximately 400 million tons of paper is produced every year globally which contributes to a major chunk of deforestation.
Colonization, establishing cities and towns for the ever-growing population
Trees are being cut down to be used as fuel.
While India has gained approximately 5871 square kilometers of forest area between 2010- 2012;
most of this land is being used to implement several development projects like industries, roads, agriculture and dams.
Ideal : One-third of the total land in India should be covered by forests.
Reality : Forests cover only 24% of the country’s total land area.
What do we do now?
STOP Deforestation | START Afforestation | START Reforestation
Plant two trees for every tree that is cut down.
Plant trees which are more effective in preventing soil erosion and keeping air-pollution in check.
Reduce the cutting down of trees - Find alternate sources of raw materials to fulfil our needs like paper, wood etc.
Start planned afforestation in necessary areas
Welcome to the world of Hemp!
Hemp can solve most, if not all of the problems faced by us due to the vanishing forests. A cheaper, pesticide-free super crop, Hemp has many uses. It gives,
Imagine not having to cut trees for wood or paper!
Imagine a world without the immortal plastic!
Imagine not having to dig into the mother earth for fuel!
Imagine a plant that can make the soil more fertile by absorbing pollutants!
Imagine no more farmer suicides!
Imagine a possible cure for HIV, cancer, diabetes, etc.!
Imagine pristine waters and clean air!
Imagine a plant that has over 50,000 uses as an alternative to exploiting multiple natural resources.
One plant - One world.
Be the change you want to see!
Our forests are vanishing!
The countdown has begun and if we don't act, we are sure to face:
Climatic changes
Loss of habitat
Disease Outbreaks
Soil Erosion
No medicinal plants
and many more problems.
We all need to realise the possibilities Hemp can bring to reduce the damage already caused by us and build a sustainable environment-friendly economic system.
We at GLM urge you to research yourself to understand the wonders of this super-crop.
Wake up!
Wake your family!
Wake your friends!
Wake your town!
Wake your country!
Join us to educate and save our race.
Hemp is the only alternative to recreate a better world.
Let’s hemp the world and save our forests and all life on the planet earth.
In just few years, we can eradicate Deforestation forever. Hemp can replace all of our Wooden and paper needs. But this great alternative To save our forests is prohibited.
Let's design a better future
Special thanks to Danny, Amy, Eshna, Aditya, Anshul, Priya.